Friday, February 27, 2009

Michelle: The Big Green Man

There are times when I have these really rough days, trying to motivate myself with the thoughts of 'what the hell am I doing with my life, writing and creating these stories, scripts, trying to shoot these people who pretend to be characters on camera. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE???'

Days like this come.... and go...

And then came that one day, where again, I found myself yelling out my frustrations, sitting alone in my car, waiting at a red light, that I saw this guy trudging along in front of me... It was almost like in slow motion...... and I looked at him through my window, crossing the street, watching him bear the entire weight of his emerald green Incredible Hulk costume, while carrying the heavy Incredible Hulk's head, just making his way in the dry LA heat towards the boulevard of stars....

And as I continued to look at him, somehow and for some reason my anxieties, those questions of 'what the hell am I doing with my life' just seem to fizzle quietly away ...just like that... I wonder if Matthew Ogens had that same experience, watching that very same man, before directing his doc, Confessions of a Superhero.... Who knows...

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