Monday, May 4, 2009

The Dog Days Are Over

This song is kinda what I felt like shouting out loud recently (last Friday) when the Gypsy and I handed in our last draft... Yes, a draft of a story that began as a symbol of many things- a sense of humour in heartache as well as the oncoming of possible love, the end of a friendship but also the beginning of a new one, growth, resolution, and many other things.

It took us some time, revising those last fifty pages.. Experiences had come and gone. I was no longer the same person with the same thoughts nor was the Gypsy. What or where was this story going? But then it came... that conclusion. It came in our own moments of transition, healing,and happiness... it came in a warehouse filled with loud music soundtracking the paintings of naked Russians crowding the walls, gloved hands gripped on the handlebars of a motorcycle speeding through the city, a voice singing intensely in the quiet of a writing session.

Experiences in life will not often resolve in the way we may want, but sometimes what happens in those very moments can be good enough for what they're worth...lessons, feelings, passion, great sex, excitement, feeling the heartbeat and break. It is all better than a boring day in the kingdom of nine to five, the routine of everyday life and mechanical people..

The Dog Days Are Over..

1 comment:

olskool said...

creative process stimuli; living cathartic